Mindfulness, Movement & Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation & Yoga Movement
Online via Zoom
Based in The South Downs, Hampshire UK

Get ready to transform your life with our upcoming
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy 8-week online course!
See below for more details or email: mindmovemed@outlook.com
Mindful Yoga
Mondays 7-8pm
NEW!-Saturdays 12.30-1.30pm
@ The Clanfield Centre
P08 0YF
£10 per class

Mindfulness Services
Get ready to transform your life with our upcoming
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy 8-week course!
Discover the power of mindfulness and take control of your thoughts and emotions. Stay tuned for more details...
Options available:
Mindful Yoga
Silent Meditation Retreat Sessions
Usually held online only via Zoom.
These silent half-day workshops are open to graduands on an 8-week MBCT course.
New dates to be confirmed.

MBCT Courses
Both Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (MBCT-D) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) courses are 8 weeks in length.
Each weekly session, on average lasts two and a half hours online in the evening, incorporating a balance of psycho-education mindful awareness practices, mindful, walking, movement and meditation.
There is an additional half-day (four hours) of guided silent practice meditation conducted online usually between sessions 6 & 7.
And on completion of the course you are invited to the online weekly meditation group, as a space to support and enhance your ongoing meditation practice.
Any international applicant can apply, however the courses are conducted in the evenings as of the London GMT timezone.
Either course requires full commitment to all sessions and between-session work of daily home practice of the provided mindfulness meditations is required.
Entry Requirements
You are eligible to attend this course if you:
Are over 18 years of age
Can commit to attending all 8 sessions of the programme and the half-day of practice
Have both the time and motivation to dedicate up to 45 minutes of personal home practice each day
Have internet reliability, technical ability to join the online video platform 'Zoom' and enough floor space with privacy, to practice simple yoga movements
Are able to speak and understand English (both spoken and written) to a level where you can fully participate in the course without the need for additional translation support.
Neither of these course are suitable for:
People currently suffering severe depression
People having suicidal thoughts or feelings
People having recently suffered a traumatic/ significant life event causing distress
If you answer yes to any of the above it is highly recommended you contact or seek regular support from your primary care/ mental health service provider in your local area.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (MBCT-D)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (MBCT-D) is a relapse-prevention treatment option for those who have a history of depression, or are currently suffering a mild-moderate episode of depression as per the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines UK: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng222/resources/depression-in-adults-treatment-and-management-pdf-66143832307909
The course is made up of are 8 themed sessions as follows:
Awareness & Autopilot
Living in Our Heads
Gathering the Scattered Mind
Recognising Aversion
Allowing/ Letting Be
Thoughts Are Not Facts
"How Can I Best Take Care of Myself?"
Maintaining and Extending New Learning
This course has a companion workbook-
The Mindful Way Workbook including lifetime free access to meditation audio downloads:
To note, MBCT-D should be available for free via NHS Talking Therapies (TT) across the UK, but access is not widely known about nor provided regularly by all TT services, often with waiting times of up to one year.
Mindfulness for Life
Mindfulness for Life (also known as MBCT-L) is an evidence-based 8 week course designed to develop a more mindful awareness of the body, emotions and mind. This course encourages participants to to improve a sense of wellbeing, kindness and resilience, towards ourselves and others.
This course is recommended for individuals or staff groups in workplace settings and not offered as a psychological treatment for those with mental health conditions.
This course includes the optional half-day of of silent practice, usually on a weekend towards the end of the course, giving a chance to deepen practice within day to day life.